Если Вы ищите информацию об использовании объекта FileDialog в VBA, то она здесь. А если информацию о FileSearch, то, например, здесь.
У Microsoft и KB и MSDN написаны понятным языком и в открытом доступе. Теперь даже и по русски …
А здесь написано о мелкой мелочи : что делать если код должен работать и с Office XP, где FileDialog есть, и с Office 2000, где FileDialog нет.
Если так, пишем две реализации — одну для Office 9.0 или меньше, другую — для Office 10.0 или больше. Я, правда, в припадке энтузиазма сделал то же самое и для FileSearch, который в Excel 2000 есть. То ли я его не заметил, то ли он мне чем-то не понравился.
Реализация для XP на базе "родных" объектов:
' KraModuleExt - реализация процедур выбора фолдера и получения '
' списка фалов, основанных на внутренних возможностях (Для Ехсеl XP) '
Option Explicit
' *******************************************************
' Выбор фолдера с помощью внутренних возможностей Excel
' Возвращает выбранный фолдер или Nil, если юзер нажал Cancel
Public Function SelectFolder() As String
' Создаем FileDialog object как "Folder Picker dialog box".
Dim fd As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
' Запрещаем выбор нескольких папок.
fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
'Show = -1 значит, что Юзер нажал OK(Да)
If fd.Show = -1 Then
SelectFolder = fd.SelectedItems(1)
SelectFolder = ""
End If
End Function
' *******************************************************
' Поиск файлов с расширением *.xls в заданном каталоге средствами Excel XP
' Возвращает коллекцию полных имен файлов (с путем)
Public Function SearchFiles(SearchPath As String) As Collection
Dim Res As New Collection
Dim fs As FileSearch
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.LookIn = SearchPath
.FileName = "*.xls"
If .Execute(AlwaysAccurate:=True) > 0 Then
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Res.Add (.FoundFiles.Item(I))
Next I ' To .FoundFiles.Count
End If ' .Execute(AlwaysAccurate:=True) > 0
End With ' fs
Set fs = Nothing
Set SearchFiles = Res
End Function
Реализация для 2000 с использованием shell:
' KraModuleExt9 - реализация процедур выбора фолдера и получения '
' списка файлов путем вызова функций OS (Для Ехсеl 2000) '
Option Explicit
' *******************************************************
' SHBrowseForFolder Constants
' *******************************************************
' For finding a folder to start document searching
Private Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS As Long = &H1
' For starting the Find Computer
' Top of the dialog has 2 lines of text for BROWSEINFO.lpszTitle and one line if
' this flag is set. Passing the message BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXTA to the hwnd can set the
' rest of the text. This is not used with BIF_USENEWUI and BROWSEINFO.lpszTitle gets
' all three lines of text.
Private Const BIF_STATUSTEXT As Long = &H4
' Add an editbox to the dialog
Private Const BIF_EDITBOX As Long = &H10
' insist on valid result (or CANCEL)
Private Const BIF_VALIDATE As Long = &H20
' Use the new dialog layout with the ability to resize
' Caller needs to call OleInitialize() before using this API
Private Const BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE As Long = &H40
' Allow URLs to be displayed or entered. (Requires BIF_USENEWUI)
Private Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEURLS As Long = &H80
' Add a UA hint to the dialog, in place of the edit box. May not be combined with BIF_EDITBOX
Private Const BIF_UAHINT As Long = &H100
' Do not add the "New Folder" button to the dialog. Only applicable with BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE.
Private Const BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON As Long = &H200
' don't traverse target as shortcut
Private Const BIF_NOTRANSLATETARGETS As Long = &H400
' Browsing for Computers.
Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER As Long = &H1000
' Browsing for Printers
Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER As Long = &H2000
' Browsing for Everything
Private Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES As Long = &H4000
' sharable resources displayed (remote shares, requires BIF_USENEWUI)
Private Const BIF_SHAREABLE As Long = &H8000
' *******************************************************
' *******************************************************
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY As Long = &H1 ' The file or directory is read-only.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN As Long = &H2 ' The file or directory is hidden
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM As Long = &H4 ' The file or directory is part of the operating system or
' is used exclusively by the operating system.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY As Long = &H10 ' The handle identifies a directory.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE As Long = &H20 ' The file or directory is an archive file or directory.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED As Long = &H40 ' The file or directory is encrypted.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL As Long = &H80 ' The file or directory has no other attributes set.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY As Long = &H100 ' The file is being used for temporary storage.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE As Long = &H200 ' The file is a sparse file.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT As Long = &H400 ' The file has an associated reparse point.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED As Long = &H800 ' The file or directory is compressed.
Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE As Long = &H1000 ' The file data is not immediately available.
Public Const MAX_PATH = 260
' *******************************************************
' SHBrowseForFolder Structure
' *******************************************************
Private Type BrowseInfo
hWndOwner As Long
pIDLRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As Long
lpszTitle As Long
ulFlags As Long
lpfnCallback As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long
End Type
' *******************************************************
' FILETIME Structure
' *******************************************************
Private Type FILETIME
dwLowDateTime As Long
dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type
' *******************************************************
' WIN32_FIND_DATA Structure
' *******************************************************
Private Type WIN32_FIND_DATA
dwFileAttributes As Long
ftCreationTime As FILETIME
ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME
ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME
nFileSizeHigh As Long
nFileSizeLow As Long
dwReserved0 As Long
dwReserved1 As Long
cFileName As String * MAX_PATH
cAlternateFileName As String * 14
End Type
' *******************************************************
' SHBrowseForFolder Function
' Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a Shell folder.
' *******************************************************
Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" (lpbi As BrowseInfo) As Long
' *******************************************************
' SHGetPathFromIDList Function
' Converts an item identifier list to a file system path.
' *******************************************************
Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" (ByVal pidList As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
' lstrcat Function
' The lstrcat function appends one string to another.
' *******************************************************
Private Declare Function lstrcat Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcatA" (ByVal lpString1 As String, _
ByVal lpString2 As String) As Long
' *******************************************************
' FindFirstFile Function
' Searches a directory for a file whose name matches the specified file name
' *******************************************************
Private Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA"(ByVal lpFileName As Long, _
lpFinfFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long
' *******************************************************
' FindNextFile Function
' Continues a file search from a previous call to the FindFirstFile function
' *******************************************************
Private Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" (ByVal hFindFile As Long, _
lpFinfFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long
' *******************************************************
' FindClose Function
' Closes the specified search handle
' *******************************************************
Private Declare Function FindClose Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long
' *******************************************************
' GetLastError Function
' Retrieves the calling thread's last-error code value
' *******************************************************
Private Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long
' *******************************************************
' Выбор фолдера с помощью функций shell
' Возвращает выбранный фолдер или Nil, если юзер нажал Cancel
Public Function SelectFolder() As String
Dim lpIDList As Long
Dim sBuffer As String
Dim szTitle As String
Dim tBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo
szTitle = "Папка для загрузки прайс-листов:"
With tBrowseInfo
.hWndOwner = Application.hWnd
.lpszTitle = lstrcat(szTitle, "")
End With ' tBrowseInfo
lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(tBrowseInfo)
If (lpIDList) Then
sBuffer = Space(MAX_PATH)
SHGetPathFromIDList lpIDList, sBuffer
sBuffer = Left(sBuffer, InStr(sBuffer, vbNullChar) - 1)
SelectFolder = sBuffer
Else ' lpIDList
SelectFolder = ""
End If ' lpIDList
End Function
' *******************************************************
' Поиск файлов с расширением *.xls в заданном каталоге средствами Windows
' Возвращает коллекцию полных имен файлов (с путем)
Public Function SearchFiles(SearchPath As String) As Collection
Dim Res As New Collection
Dim hSearch, dwSearchRes, dwError As Long
Dim FileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim SearchPath1 As String
Dim SearchPathA As Long
SearchPath1 = SearchPath & "\*.xls"
SearchPathA = lstrcat(SearchPath1, "")
hSearch = FindFirstFile(SearchPathA, FileData)
Res.Add (SearchPath & "" + Left(FileData.cFileName, InStr(FileData.cFileName, vbNullChar) - 1))
dwSearchRes = FindNextFile(hSearch, FileData)
Loop Until dwSearchRes = 0
dwSearchRes = FindClose(hSearch)
Set SearchFiles = Res
End Function
И наслаждаемся открывшимися возможностями:
' Excel XP -- версия "10.0"
' Excel 2000 -- версия "9.0"
' В зависимости от версии для выбора каталога и построения списка файлов используются либо встроенные возможности,
' либо функции shell
If Left(Application.Version, 1) <> "1" Then
vrtSelectedFolder = KraModuleExt9.SelectFolder()
Else ' Application.Version
vrtSelectedFolder = KraModuleExt10.SelectFolder()
End If ' Application.Version
If Not vrtSelectedFolder = "" Then
Dim fs As Collection
If Left(Application.Version, 1) <> "1" Then
Set fs = KraModuleExt9.SearchFiles(vrtSelectedFolder)
Else ' Application.Version
Set fs = KraModuleExt10.SearchFiles(vrtSelectedFolder)
End If ' Application.Version